Request your free sample bouquet below
Long-life flowers for your restaurant(s).
We at Flowers Are Forever specialize in making flower arrangements from real flowers that have a shelf life of more than a year.
Our flowers are treated with natural glycerine and therefore remain fresh and beautiful for at least a year, ideal for your restaurant!
Because our flowers last 30 times longer than traditional bouquets, they quickly become much more affordable. This treatment makes our bouquets a lot more durable. However, the quality is not inferior to traditional bouquets.
Would you like to experience for yourself what Flowers Are Forever has to offer? Then request a small sample bouquet with no obligation by filling out the form below.
Deze actie is uitsluitend bedoeld voor horeca bedrijven en organisaties met meerdere vestigingen. Zodra u het formulier heeft ingevuld nemen wij contact met u op.